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  • The Duke's Yuletide Blessing: Christmas Regency Romance (A Regency Christmas Book 2) Page 2

The Duke's Yuletide Blessing: Christmas Regency Romance (A Regency Christmas Book 2) Read online

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  The five Arabian horses were in their stalls, and Caleb, his stableman, was pouring oats into their troughs. They all knew him and came closer as he patted each of them in turn.

  “Caleb, the wind is getting very strong. Do you think the horses are in any danger?”

  “Your grace,” the man effected the perfect bow. “I reinforced the walls, but we should pray for mild winds this year.”

  “And your own quarters?” Caleb lived above the stable. When he’d come to work on the estate about four months ago, the rooms were nothing but bare space, since the other workers all had cottages. Sadly, they had all left to find employment on other estates when it because obvious that the Winthrop Duchy could no longer sustain their wages.

  Caleb had turned the empty room into comfortable quarters for himself, and not for the first time, Connor wondered who the strong and silent man was.

  Caleb had a way with the horses and never once had Connor found him drunk or disorderly. He was the perfect gentleman and for him to be a stableman made the duke wonder if perhaps he had been born into a family of means but had fallen on hard times.

  They were of the same height and build, but whereas Connor’s hair was fair, Caleb’s was dark. Connor had asked him where he’d learned how to take such good care of horses and with a smile, Caleb had told him that he’d worked for a travelling circus from Europe. Connor believed him for he’d heard the man speaking a foreign language to the animals. The dialect sounded much like that spoken by the gypsies who from time came to the estate.

  “My quarters are safe, thank you for your concern, Your Grace.”

  “You need to be safe, Caleb,” Connor looked around the stable noting that as always, the place was very clean. “If there’s anything you need at all, just come to the house and get it.”

  “Much obliged, Your Grace.”

  Connor nodded and left the stables, walking back into the house through the cold kitchen. His once-warm kitchen was now deserted and it was only Rupert of all his older servants, who had refused to leave.

  “You gave me the best when the duchy was prospering,” the man had told the duke when he asked if he should give him a reference to get a position with another nobleman. “Why should I abandon you in your hour of need, Your Grace?” And so, the man had stayed.

  Rupert’s wife, Emily, came by once a day to prepare a meal for the duke, which lasted until the next day. Connor insisted that Caleb takes all meals with him and the two men would often sit in the dining room and talk about many things. It amazed Connor that Caleb was so knowledgeable about a variety of topics, and their dinners were never quiet ones. He liked the man and wished he could do more for him but even he was struggling.


  Don’t You Cry, My Queen

  Andoria looked down at the sleeping queen. The woman had less than one week to deliver her child and after that, both their fates would be sealed. She shook her head slowly and vowed that it would not happen, not while she was still alive.

  She’d come in earlier and taken the little dog for a romp further down into the dungeons and it was Silver who had showed her the way out of this place.

  Kneeling down beside the queen, she gently shook her awake, “My Queen, it’s time to leave.”

  “Are you sure about this, Andoria?”

  “I’m not sure about anything but if we don’t leave today, it may be too late. Today is our last chance to get out of here because the last trawler going to England leaves the docks in six hours’ time. They won’t be back until after Christmas and by then,” Andoria shrugged.

  “Save yourself, Andoria,” Queen Naomi took her hand and gave her a sad smile. “I’ve made peace with whatever will come. It looks like this is where it will all end.”

  “Your Royal Highness, the throne of Molorva, which you swore to protect on the day you married King Kaffas, lies in your hands. This baby is the future king or queen, the hope of all Molorvans. I know that while many might betray you, many more are praying for you and this child. You owe them that much, my Queen.”

  “But if we’re caught, you’ll be beheaded and I’ll be brought back here to await my terrible fate after I deliver my child,” the queen sighed. “I love my sister so much, but she has never accepted me, just like she never accepted my mother after our father married her. It wasn’t my mother’s fault that Papa put Bernice’s mother away, but it was because of her infidelities which were so common and done openly.” Naomi shook her head, “Did you know that Bernice was betrothed to King Kaffas from when they were children, but after her mother’s shameful deeds, that honour was withdrawn and bestowed upon me. My sister has never forgiven me for falling in love with David and he with me.”

  “They say that destiny may be derailed and delayed but it can never be denied, my Queen. Now, why don’t we make sure that the throne of Molorva is preserved?”

  “Will it really matter if we’re caught, Andoria? We could all die for nothing in the end.”

  “But if we’re not caught, we will make it back to my Fatherland, where you will be safe, and I know the world will never let another tyrant like Napoleon live and rule in his wickedness. It’s a well-known fact that Francis Kirkon is extremely ambitious, and with a manipulative queen by his side, who’s to say they won’t try to make themselves conquerors of the world? You have the backing of powerful countries, the countries which formed that Coalition Forces that took Napoleon on and defeated him, and now he’s now banished to St. Helena forever.”

  Naomi twisted her lips, “Why didn’t they come to our aid when it mattered five months ago,” her eyes filled with tears. “When my husband’s cousin overthrew the king, why didn’t they come forth and help then?”

  “My Queen, you have to remember that at the time they were dealing with Napoleon after he escaped from Elba. But now things have settled down, and I know they will help you. The only way they can help is if they know that you’re still alive and this child comes into the world. Right now, the rumour is that after King Kaffas died, you didn’t live long after that. According to many out there, your husband’s lineage ended. You’re the hope of the Molorvans, my Queen. Please do not give up now when we’re so close to the finish line.”

  The queen was silent for a while and Andoria forced herself not to panic because time was running out for them. But finally, Naomi raised her head and nodded.

  “Let’s do this then but one thing puzzles me. Andoria, how did you manage to make sure that we won’t be followed?”

  Andoria smiled, retaining her secret for the moment. “I have my ways, my Queen. But we have to move now. You’ll be glad to know that Silver is the one who found a way out and I have prepared the baskets.”

  “Baskets? What for?” Naomi struggled to her feet and allowed Andoria to put a smelly cloak around her. “This thing stinks and I might be sick all over it.”

  “Please take deep breaths for this is part of our disguise that will help us get out of this palace.”

  “What do you mean, Andoria?”

  “You’ll see,” Andoria stepped aside and observed the queen. “No one will recognize you,” she smeared some tar on the queen’s face to make her countenance darker and did the same for herself.

  “You’re very brave,” Naomi chuckled softly, “Foolish but brave.”

  “I’m a revolutionary to the last drop of blood in my body, my Queen. Now, shall we go?”

  “What’s in that heavy bag you’re carrying?”

  “Just some things that we’ll need on our journey and food that I stole from the kitchen for us to eat since we have five days before we get to England.”

  “You think of everything and I’m just sorry that I never realised your worth when I was queen,” Naomi said sadly. “But one day, I will find a way of rewarding you for what you’re doing for me.”

  Slipping out of the palace through the secret passageway wasn’t all that difficult. She wrapped the little dog in dirty rugs. “Silver, you must not make a single sound,” and the
dog gave a small bark to show that he understood. She put him in her own fish basket together with the canvas bag. There were still obstacles they would face along the way but Andoria believed that they were under the Lord’s protection during this Christmas season.

  They silently walked towards the large palace gates, meeting people coming and going, and they fell in with them. Many villagers usually brought their produce to the palace at all hours of the day and night. The guards didn’t find it strange to see two dirty-looking women carrying baskets made from reeds on their heads.

  “If you take a good wash, I might be tempted to be attracted to you,” one of the guards turned his nose up at the heavy fish smell emanating from Naomi and Andoria’s baskets. “Get your stinking selves out of here before I whip you soundly,” he growled at them.

  “Pardon, Sir,” she slipped him a gold guinea, “Thank you for your help,” she laid on a thick accent. “We’ll be going now,” the man didn’t bother with them, waving them away as he pocketed the guinea.

  Once they were out of the gates, Andoria sighed with relief. “This is all gratitude to your husband, my Queen. He made it possible for this to happen. Thank God for his rule that no villager bringing their produce should ever be turned away from the palace whether day or night.”

  Naomi just smiled sadly in the darkness. She missed David, and even though she knew that she would never see him again, the baby she carried in her womb would be the way she remembered him.

  Andoria knew that the queen was thinking about her handsome husband. King David Kaffas was one of the few men Andoria respected, honoured, admired and would willingly die for. That was the reason she’d taken this mission upon herself, without telling a single soul.

  Upon ascending to the throne four years ago, he’d shut down all his father’s harems in the capital city, Longria, and in his country palace in Boloise, both now taken over by his cousin. King Kaffas had granted all the concubines their freedom. What’s more, he gave each of them a large dowry, and many of them had eventually found good men to marry them, men who could bear their shame and love them still.

  Under his rule, Molorva’s economy had grown in leaps and bounds and though his soldiers hadn’t been part of the Coalition Forces fighting Napoleon because he felt they weren’t properly trained, he had provided vast resources from finances to timber to build battleships, which were greatly appreciated. That was why Andoria was sure that once the Allies found out that Queen Naomi was alive and had borne a child for the dead king, they would step in and restore the throne to the Kaffas Lineage.

  It was actually during a visit to Prussia to meet with the Allies that his cousin, King Francis Kirkon had deposed him in a bloodless coup, calling him a sell-out to the foreign legions because the latter supported Napoleon. At the time, many people had rallied behind the charismatic King Francis, but it wasn’t long before they realized the grave mistake they had made. The man was a maniac and tyrant, and the people of Molorva discovered that when it was too late and their beloved king was dead, believed to have been assassinated by his cousin.

  Half a mile down the road, they discarded the heavy baskets and smelly clothes and Andoria picked Silver up. They had only gone a few steps when Andoria thought she heard someone following them. Since she had taken a path that wasn’t used much, she was sure that whoever was coming up behind them didn’t have good intentions. She pulled Naomi into a dark alley.


  “Sh!” Andoria placed a hand over the queen’s lips and prayed that Silver wouldn’t growl and not too soon. Two sets of footsteps hurried past them.

  “You’re sure you saw the two women coming this way?” One gruff voice said.

  “Yes, just follow the fishy smell. They have money and I know this because they were paid a good sum at the palace for their fish. And also, I don’t mind enjoying their favours.”

  Andoria was glad they had rid themselves of the smelly baskets and garments or else the vagabonds might have found their hiding spot. And Silver behaved himself by remaining completely silent. She waited until the men’s voices faded away into the distance before moving.

  “We have to use the side roads,” she tucked the dog in one hand and the heavy bag she carried in the other. “It will take slightly longer but it’s much safer.”

  “Just go on without me,” Naomi breathed heavily.

  “Your Majesty, we have twelve hours before the drugs I administered to the queen and guards wear off and people come after us. By that time, we’ll be in England. Please do not give up now, victory is so close at hand.”

  “Let’s go,” Naomi’s voice was stronger, and Andoria smiled in the darkness. Yes, they would get to safety.

  It took them nearly two hours to get to the docks, but they met no further obstacles on the way. Just as they rounded the final turn to the docks, the large trawler’s horn tooted, a sign that it would be leaving shortly.

  “Just in time,” Andoria said, taking Naomi’s hand and they hurried up the gangway.


  Homeward Bound

  The harsh retching woke her up and Andoria knew that the queen was sick again. Poor woman had hardly been able to keep anything down for the five days they’d been on the sea. But in just a few hours’ time, the trawler would dock in London, and they would be free.

  “Your Majesty, I’m sorry about all this.”

  “Andoria,” Naomi wiped her face. It was morning, and light poured into the small space they had been put in. “It’s just motion sickness, but I’ll be all right.”

  “We’ll soon be in London, and you can get better food than stale bread and cheese.”

  Naomi smiled, “Beggars can’t be choosers, and we’re better than those who have nothing to eat.” She looked around the room. “What do you think this trawler carries?”

  “Usually it’s timber from Molorva, which is taken to London, and on the way back they carry luxury items for Queen Bernice. That’s how I found out that this was the best way for us to get out of London. Luckily, only the skipper knows that I work for the queen, and he’s a strong supporter of your husband, else he wouldn’t have allowed us to come aboard.”

  “Can he be trusted?”

  “With the last breath of his life, my Queen. But I don’t know about the other sailors.”

  “I long for a glass of refreshing melon juice, like the one you used to sneak to me in the dungeons.”

  “When we get to where we’re going, I’ll make sure you get plenty of melon juice. In the meantime, I’ll go and get you some fresh water,” Andoria looked at the coloured substance in the bottle that they had drunk in their days of confinement and knew that she couldn’t take any more.

  Naomi shook her head, “You know what the Skipper said, that we should keep out of sight and out of trouble. We don’t need to court any trouble now.”

  “My Queen, we’re just a few hours from docking, I don’t think we have to worry about anything.”

  “Andoria, just be careful out there.”

  “I promise to be careful,” she slipped out of the small cabin. It was actually a storage room next to the Skipper’s quarters. She had parted with a substantial amount of money and two topaz stones, but it was all worth it. Thanks to Queen Bernice’s vanity and greed, there was usually a lot of money in her chambers and jewels too. In the five days they’d been on the ship, no one had bothered them and Andoria knew it was because of the kindly skipper. But he had been clear that they should stay out of sight on the all-male boat.

  Andoria didn’t want to get into trouble but the queen needed water because she was very weak. She hadn’t been able to contain any food. The moment Andoria stepped onto deck, she realised that she had made a terrible mistake. One of the sailors spotted her and she retreated, heart pounding but he followed, telling his colleagues that he was going to relieve himself.

  “Now, what is a beautiful woman doing on this rig, and where have you been hiding yourself?” Even though he spoke English, Andoria recogni
zed him to be Molorvan.

  “Sir, I don’t want any trouble,” she was terrified at the wicked gleam she saw in his eyes. Why hadn’t she listened to Naomi and stayed in their room? She didn’t want him to find out that the queen was on the ship, for she had no idea where his loyalties lay. Once they were safely in England then they could walk around freely, but not yet.

  “Well, Little Lady,” he drew closer and she could smell the whiskey on his breath. She retreated until her back was against the door of their small cabin and she hoped Naomi would hear them talking and hide herself under the sacks or in a barrel. “I believe this is a storage room and will be quite ideal for what I have in mind for us,” the sailor said. “Open it and get in,” he looked around to see if anyone was coming but the corridors were empty. “Better that you have only me to deal with than ten or fifteen more of my colleagues.”

  “Yes, sir,” she pretended to accept his terms and entered the room, which she saw was empty, and panicked at first. Then she noticed the queen crouching behind the door, and she moved farther in, drawing the unsuspecting man inside. Then Naomi moved swiftly and struck a blow to the back of his head. He crumpled to the floor with a grunt.

  “Quick,” Naomi ordered a stunned Andoria. “Drag him inside and lock the door,” she ordered. “Let’s bind him securely and pray that no one comes to look for us while he’s here. Let them find him when we’re off the ship. Silver, find me some rope,” she told the dog then snapped her fingers at Andoria. “Focus and help Silver find rope.”

  “Yes, of course,” Andoria couldn’t believe that the genteel queen who had looked so helpless could pack such a punch and was now standing over the unconscious man, staring down at him. Her features had changed, and she looked ready for battle.

  “Andoria, you made me have hope again,” Naomi said placing a hand over her swollen belly. “This is the future ruler of Molorva, and I’m going to protect this child with my last breath.”